Saturday, June 12, 2010

WHAT'S DOWN WITH THE BREHMS as of 13, June, 2010

Greetings and best wishes from Deming

WOW! The wind is blowing so hard, I just saw the maintenance man in his golf cart flying by at an altitude of 7 or 8 feet, SSE at 47 miles an hour. But we love it here. Daytime temps between 98 and 107, humidity about 7%, but we love it here. We wake up in the morning, Apply chap stick to various places, shoot WD-40 in our eyes so we can open them and move them. But we love it here. My shingles have put a slight damper on our activities, but we have managed to get out a few times into the bustling metropolis of Deming. We also visited the local winery, St. Clair, which was very enjoyable and wines were all poured from glass bottles with corks into nice wine glasses. No boxes and plastic cups here.

We also took a 35 mile jaunt south to Columbus, NM and Palomas, Chihuahua, Mex. This is the part of the country that Pancho Villa played head rooster, and everything around was his hen house. So there is a Pancho Villa State Park and campground, and statues everywhere. This is also the neck of the woods where Geronimo was captured and sent to Gitmo. Except for one of every 5 people on the streets carrying rifles, Palomas is a lovely little town, cleaner than most, with the obligatory dental offices, pharmacia's, optomotrists, and cosmetic surgeons.

Hope you are all well, happy, and prosperous with the things that make your lives full. We look forward to seeing you again, and please be prepared to make the best decisons in Nov.

Love, Orville & Wilbur...............

St. Clair Winery, Deming, New Mexico

The St. Clair Winery is a landmark in Deming. It is a lovely place to visit, and taste the local wines, made from local grapes. Very nice reds, whites, and ports. This was our tasting hostess.

Knowlegable, and friendly.

Palomas Border Crossing.

Statue of Pancho Villa and a live Panchita Diane

Shortly after crossing the Border at Columbus/Palomas, stands this bigger than life statue of Pancho Villa in a mounted raiding pose.

Statues of Patton and Pancho Villa

Out on the Plaza, behind the Tienda Rosa, are these statues of General George Patton shaking hands with Pancho Villa.

Lunch at La Tienda Rosa. Palomas, Chichuahua

This is a nice restaurant, bar and Mexican curio shop just a few steps across the border. Very clean, friendly, and the food is good.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The "Gettin Down Report" as of 6 June, 2010

It's raining! Incredible, the temps got up to 107 today, and now it's raining. Well, we send you greetings from Deming New Mexico. We are at a little over 4300 ft. altitude. High desert. We made a good deal with the Devil, and will be in this furnace till 6/22. After that, who knows? Probably go to Hatch, the chili capitol of the galaxy. Then maybe north on I-25, lots of choices going that way, but due to the humidity, we probably won't go further East.

Except for my shingles, we are doing well. They tell me the shingles will probably clear up by the time we get back to San Diego in Nov. Next week should be fun, wineries to visit, Pancho Villa State Park, Las Palomas, Mex. and much more. Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer, and enjoying good health. Please stay in touch, and if our paths should cross, let's hook up.

Love you all, Lupe Y Pedro..............

1882, Tombstone AZ. The Krautmick gang

"Mad Dog Mike", "Missy Marsha". "Deadeye Diane", & "Roughneck Ray"

Bandstand at Big Nose Kate's

Okay Barry and Janet, listen here. If you can't fix it......... We might be able to help. Let us know.............

Picture on the backbar at Kate's Saloon, Tombstone

This painting resides on the backbar wall at "Big Nose Kate's Saloon in Tombstone. I think it is Sarah Palin's Great grandmother.

"Big Nose Kate's" Saloon, Tombstone AZ

Geriatric Outlaws going into Kate's to drink and start a rumble!!

Infamous BIRD CAGE THEATER, Tonbstone, AZ

Everyone knows about the Birdcage. I think Lincoln was shot here!

"Escapees" RV Park, Deming, NM

"Brehmville" Deming, NM

As you can see, We have the place to ourselves. We don need no stinkin reservations...........

Luna-Mimbres Museum, Deming, NM

Best small town museum we have seen. Ancient Indian(Mimbres) artifacts, old West relics, the birth and growth of a town on the Mexican Border. Town heros, etc.