Saturday, July 3, 2010

What's up with the Brehms, 4 July, 2010

Happy Independence Day to all.....

Well, here we are, our last few days in Deming. Things have been pretty uneventful this week. Finished up a few maintenance items. Temperatures have been a wee bit cooler, high 90's. Had a nice monsoon rain, which left some incredible skies. See attached pics.
In just a few days, we will take off foe Grants New Mexico, a little west of Albuquerque. When we leave there, we will head to Moab, Utah to spend sometime exploring Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Nothing more beautiful than nature.
We wish you all a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Don't forget to give thanks for all the wonderful Freedoms we enjoy, and sometime take for granted.
Love y'all, Ray & Diane.......

Post monsoon sunset.

This picture was taken from the back of our motorhome at Deming New Mexico.

Incredible red sky rainbow

After a thunderstorm that cleared up just at sunset, a beautiful huge rainbow appeared on the red sky. First I've seen. Very impressive.

Somewhere under the rainbow

25% of the full 180 degree rainbow after the storm

Red at night, sailor's delight

After Mother Nature's fire works, the other night, we were left with a beautiful sunset. Just a little on the eerie side.

1992 duct tapemobile

We were returning from Chinatown (Wal-Mart) when low and behold, here was this Car totally wrapped in duct tape, being towed down the road. The duct tape was probably worth more than the car.

Bagged chilis Hatch New Mexico

This is how to buy chilies in New Mexico. Purple sacks are mild chilies, red bags are hot. Have the guy roast them on the spot. Go back to camp and enjoy chili rellenos.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

We are still here as of 27, June 2010


And another big ole hairy Howdy from Hades. It has been a little cooler this week here at the Dream Catcher RV Park in Deming NM. Most days 98-99 degrees F. Haven't hardly used the AC at all. Except for the humongous gusts of wind from time to time, the wind has died down some. Thunder storms almost every evening, but just a trace of rain. We are both doing fine. Finished off a couple of projects this week, polished off the upholstered shotgun rack, and refinished the Monaco emblem key rack that friend Glen gave me. It's been a relitively boring week. This week's photos are just some random shots around Deming. We did find a real out of the way, unadvertised deli, steakhouse, and cowboy bar called the "Adobe Deli".
Highly recommend it, but you'll likely never find it on your own. If you ever get to Deming, ask me for directions.
We miss you all, hope all is well with you, and look forward to our next meeting.
Love, Donald & Daisy...................

The old Hotel

Local Carniceria

Menudo restaurant

On Sunday morning, you can't get close to this place. Last Sunday, Father's Day, it was so packed, you had to park in Lordsburg and take a cab.

Adobe Deli

9 miles east of downtown Deming on old highway 10, down a dirt road to what appears to be an old abondoned ranch house resides the wonderful Adobe Deli. Try it you'll like it!

Adobe Deli Dove

Happy Camper

Here's the BLOG editor eating jalapeno poppers and drinking beer at the Adobe Deli.