Sunday, July 8, 2012


Greetings from San Benito Campground in Paicines, CA. Sorry for the BLOG delay, but some places we camp are very remote and it's impossible to pull those internet zoogies out of cyberspace. So, here is a catch up...

GOTHAM CITY, Metropolitan Area

This is the huge town of Paicines, CA. POP 204. This is the center of it all, and we are camped about 17 miles from here. Lots of agriculture here, great fresh roadside produce, lots of deer, bobcats, quail, wild pigs, hawks, eagles, condors, and Owls.

Good Friends Theresa and Patty

By lucky chance, we ran into Danny and Patty Wall, and Patty's mom Theresa at San Benito. We thought it would be fun to have a "Sounds of Nature" contest. Here, Patty is warming up for her "Sound" and Mom theresa is getting ready to duck......


There are many nice wineries in this area. Kirigan has been one of our favorites for many years. Here Diane met her new best friend, the wine tasting expert..

KIRIGAN VINEYARDS of the Central Valley

The vineyards, field of corn, broccoli, romaine, strawberries, cherries, artichokes and garlic are everywhere, and almost resemble beautifully landscaped gardens..

Fresh and Tasty Fungi

The "Royal Oaks" mushroom farm is on the edge of Morgan Hill. The variety of freshly grown, still dirty mushrooms is delightful. I grilled some huge, stuffed portobellos. Mmmmm..


To our delight, there was a car show in Hollister on the weekend of our arrival. There was hot rods, customs, restored and original antiques. There were trucks, cars, vans and motorcycles. This old Studebaker caught my eye.

Whoooo's this Wise Old Bird?

One of the local flyboys.....

San Benito fawna

Many deer at the San Benito preserve.
We took a walk with friends Glen & Grace Davis every morning, always with a sharp eye for the native residents..

Home of the American Biker

Johnny's bar and grill is in Old Town Hollister. It is ground zero for the old Brando Movie, "The Wild One". It is a favorite biker bar for those passing through, and we always try to stop at least once for a beer and a burger