Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's down with the BREHM'S as of 20, June 010

Happy Fathers Day to all of you. We are still here in Deming, NM, and will probably be here another couple of weeks. Weather remains 3 digits everyday, but the winds have subsided some. Still hot and dry. Saw a coyote chasing a rabbit yesterday, and both were crawling with their tongues hanging out. We went to Hatch, NM this past week. Hatch is the chili capitol of the planet. We have visited several times before, always bought a big ole sack of green chilies and had them roast them for us right there. That was our plan for this visit but our timing was off. No new fresh chilies till Aug. Disappointed, we had lunch, walked around town some and left. Projects for this week were; replace the ice maker tube from the water supply to the ice maker.....Success. And 2, get the rooftop satellite antenna working.......failure, guess I'll have to replace it.
A couple of days ago, I was taking Ross for his walk, and adjacent to the campground, a SWAT action was taking place. I guess some guy from Riudoso with outstanding warrants for felony, a fugitive from justice, was recognized at the Motel 6 across the street (we'll keep the light on for you) and the police were called. Lot's of bullet proof vests, but I didn't hear any shots fired.

For a real nice surprise, our friends Mike and Marsha from Bisbee, AZ. stopped by for a lovely visit and lunch. Well, hope you all are having a wonderful summer, we look forward to our next rendezvous. Love you all, Ray & Diane.............