Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's raining! Incredible, the temps got up to 107 today, and now it's raining. Well, we send you greetings from Deming New Mexico. We are at a little over 4300 ft. altitude. High desert. We made a good deal with the Devil, and will be in this furnace till 6/22. After that, who knows? Probably go to Hatch, the chili capitol of the galaxy. Then maybe north on I-25, lots of choices going that way, but due to the humidity, we probably won't go further East.

Except for my shingles, we are doing well. They tell me the shingles will probably clear up by the time we get back to San Diego in Nov. Next week should be fun, wineries to visit, Pancho Villa State Park, Las Palomas, Mex. and much more. Hope all of you are having a wonderful summer, and enjoying good health. Please stay in touch, and if our paths should cross, let's hook up.

Love you all, Lupe Y Pedro..............

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