Saturday, June 12, 2010

Greetings and best wishes from Deming

WOW! The wind is blowing so hard, I just saw the maintenance man in his golf cart flying by at an altitude of 7 or 8 feet, SSE at 47 miles an hour. But we love it here. Daytime temps between 98 and 107, humidity about 7%, but we love it here. We wake up in the morning, Apply chap stick to various places, shoot WD-40 in our eyes so we can open them and move them. But we love it here. My shingles have put a slight damper on our activities, but we have managed to get out a few times into the bustling metropolis of Deming. We also visited the local winery, St. Clair, which was very enjoyable and wines were all poured from glass bottles with corks into nice wine glasses. No boxes and plastic cups here.

We also took a 35 mile jaunt south to Columbus, NM and Palomas, Chihuahua, Mex. This is the part of the country that Pancho Villa played head rooster, and everything around was his hen house. So there is a Pancho Villa State Park and campground, and statues everywhere. This is also the neck of the woods where Geronimo was captured and sent to Gitmo. Except for one of every 5 people on the streets carrying rifles, Palomas is a lovely little town, cleaner than most, with the obligatory dental offices, pharmacia's, optomotrists, and cosmetic surgeons.

Hope you are all well, happy, and prosperous with the things that make your lives full. We look forward to seeing you again, and please be prepared to make the best decisons in Nov.

Love, Orville & Wilbur...............

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