Friday, May 28, 2010

Howdy partners! yep, still here in Bisbee with our very generous hosts, Mike and Marsha. No dull time here, We are constantly doing something fun and interesting, from Mike projects to Ray projects, an the girls have been doing what ever blows their skirts up. I think they are having a ball. Lots going on, but the highlites are a trip to Tombstone, always a fun trip. And an offroad (16 miles) trip to the historically famous Slaughter Ranch. A terrific experience. A veritable oasis in the middle of the Sonoran desert. We will be leaving next Wed. for Deming. NM, a very casual trip. Instead of going I-10, the super slab way, I think we will take 80 along the Mexican Border to Deming.

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer. If you are out here, please let us know, we'd love to hook up. Until the next rendezvous, please stay in touch.

Love, Barnham & Bailey..............................

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