Sunday, May 23, 2010

Greetings and salutations from Bisbee, AZ. They like to call it "A liberal Oasis in the middle of a conservative desert". This is a lot of fun to visit. Besides my great buddy Mike, who has been my close friend for 47 years. This is a fantastic place to people watch. If you ever wonder what happened to the flower child hippies. Come to Bisbee, Same people, same dress, same personality, just 50 years older.
We finally got out of San Diego on the 17th, and headed for Yuma to visit our good friends Andy and Linda Clarkson. The have built themselves an RVers paradise. Check the pictures. We had two days of partying, chatting, and site seeing. Even went to the world famous Lute's Casino, which we had never heard of until Andy and Linda took us there for a beer and snack. Thanks guys.
From Yuma we drove to Bisbee, AZ. The drive was a walk in the park, and it was great to reunite with Mike & Marsha. Don't know about them, but we have enjoyed every second we have spent with them so far. We have done a few chores, hit the local sites, and today went to Tombstone, just a few mile up the road. Had a lot of fun.
Well, we still don't know where we are going when we leave here, but will probably head East to Deming NM. From there, maybe North on I-25, which offers an abundance of interesting places all the way to Canada. To all of you, we wish you a wonderful summer, please stay in touch, and I will try to keep the blog updated weekly.
Love, Ray, Diane, Rossie & Satchmo.......

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