Monday, August 8, 2011


Howdy Ladies & Genamums. That is the famed Memphis Pyramid right on the Memphis side of the Mississippi. It's been another interesting week. Three States. Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. We are camped at Cherokee Landing, about 50 miles East of Memphis, almost on the border of Mississippi. We are all healthy. Ross gets a little more feeble each day, then all of a sudden he seems chipper for a while. The rig and Jeep are doing great, and we are getting anxious to see my sister and bro in law. The weather has been hot and humid even for the South. Didn't seem so bad when I lived here in the 60's. And it's not really that bad now. Hope all is well with you, and look forward to hooking up with you next time. Love and God Bless, Elvis & Aretha............

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