Monday, May 30, 2011


Hope everybody has a nice, peaceful and reflective Memorial Day. Things were just dandy here during our second week on the river. Lots of rigs flying "Old Glory", Indy 500 was a good race, and the weather was breezy but comfortable. We are going to depart 6/2 for Verde Vally. Will stay there through the 4th of July. All kinds of activity over here, but the party's almost over, folks are packing up, and hittin the road. Hope to bump into to some of you along the way.

God Bless.....Ray & Diane

1 comment:

  1. Aaah, just saw how long you were going to be in the Verde Valley area, sure would love to come and say hi. Maybe the week right before the 4th? Let me know on FB if that would work for you, we get Tues & Wed off...

    Hugs, Sharon & Ron
