Saturday, February 19, 2011

WHAT'S DOWN WiTH THE BREHM'S as of 2/20/2011

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  1. Glad you made it back safely before the deluge! We even got some of the wet stuff here in the dry desert - a little hail also yesterday! Thanks for the pictures of Pio Pico - hope all is well there with everyone. Hope to see you before too long.

  2. Hi Diane, sorry we never got together while we were at Pio Pico, too many friends to see, I guess. Maybe next year....anyway, I will be reading your blog about your trip to Tennessee, while at work at the Grand Canyon KOA, starting next month. Hope you have a wonderful adventure and hope you find a lot lower fuel prices as you head east....

    Hugs, Sharon & Ron

  3. Hi Diane, here it is, almost mid May and you haven't started out on your summer travels yet? Just because you are back home is no excuse to not update your blog from time to time so we know what you've been up to...ha, ha! I know, when you're home there's nothing to report on, I neglected my blog when we were there, too. Hope everything is going well for you two and you have an awesome summer. We are currently still in Las Vegas, but, hope to leave on Tuesday heading to our campground. Had to stay an extra day waiting for a part for the water pump, what a pain!

    Hugs, Sharon & Ron
