Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Welcome to the bloody Brehm Blog. For those of you who enjoy following our misadventures through the blog, I apologize. For weeks now, cyberspace has not been well with us. We are currently nestled away in the Sierra's, between Marysville and Grass Valley, but we are back in CA.
We had a wonderful time in Oregon, and spent a good share of it alongside the Rogue River, mostly close to the headwaters. We are still traveling with Gene and Darlene, but have bumped into many acquaintances along the way. Just yesterday, we spent some time with Bill, a good friend of Glenn & Grace who lives here at Lake of the Springs. We also met another friend of Glenn's. They also drive a Safari, and taught Glenn some tricks, and has some of Glenn's woodworks in his coach. The weather has been better than anywhere in the country wherever we go. After we leave, all hell seems to break loose, but while we are there, it's been wonderful.
We have all had reasonably good health, and had no mechanical perturbations. The pics in this issue are all from Oregon. We have some catching up to do. Next time some California action. We expect to return to Pio Pico early in Nov. Until then, our love and best regards......
The Donner Party..........

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