Sunday, September 26, 2010


Not too much to write about the last couple of weeks. Immediately after getting the upgrades done to the coach in Junction City, which included resealing the entire roof and replacing the winshield seal, the rains began. 40 days and 40 nights. Two of Every kind, big boats, and eventually doves with olive branches. Hell of a water test but everything worked. No leaks. We were pretty much limited to walks in the rain, and sweeping wet pine needles out of the coach. I bought a book on mushrooms and began my biology lesson and qwest for edible fungi. It actually turned out to be quite interesting and fun. I have included some pics of our trophies.

Yesterday, we decided we had enough dampness. Everything smelled moldy and was wet. It rained while I packed up this morning. We drove about 150 miles southeast, and are now camped in the Grants Pass, OR. area. Feels more like San Diego here. We will probably stay for a few days. Hope you all had a wonderful summer. Looking forward to seeing you all in the future. Love, Soggy and Moldy Brehm.................

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