Sunday, September 5, 2010

HAPPY LABOR DAY (Now a Chinese Holiday) we are in Bend Or. for one more day, then off to Junction City. With all the offloading of our labor, which was valued so much we made it a National holiday. High quality, innovation, dedication, and determination to make this country great Now a memory. Top candidate for renaming....Nuevo Shanghai Babalonia.

What a nice week. Believe it or not (thanks Mr. Ripley) we had snow here in August. The locals claim Bend, OR. is the only place on the planet where you can experience all 4 seasons in one day. We met up with Pio Pico regulars, Terry and Glenda, a fellow Rohr retiree. We joined up with Gene & Darlene, and took a trip to Sisters. A good time for all. McDonoughs & Brehms took a scenic tour along the Cascade Lakes Highway. About a hundred Miles, of beautiful scenery. Tomorow we leave for Junction City for upgrades, then on to the Coast, and a couple of months to reach SoCal for the winter. Hope all is good for you! Look forward to seeing you in the winter or wherever we can hook up.

Love & God Bless.........................

Louie & Clarkie.......................

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