Sunday, August 22, 2010


Things remain well for us all. We had a couple of nice trips from Twin Falls, ID. through Boise, and on to Burns OR. then from Burns on to Bend Oregon, where we are camped for a couple of weeks at the Thousand Trails, Sunriver Preserve. As we approached the preserve, we noticed lots of "EVENT" signs leading to various massive parking lots, shuttle buses, and signs saying something about a golf tournament. As we wiggled our way through the congestion, we realized we were camped almost next door to the PGA Open at Sunriver. After we got set up, we turned on the TV and there is was, being broadcast live.

We are happy to be here, nice weather; Down comforter at night, sweatshirt for the early morning walk, and tank top in the afternoon. We are 22 miles from Bend, so we will be able to get anything we need there. We are anxiously looking forward to hooking up with friends Andy and Linda, who are already up here somewhere, and Gene and Darlene, who are on their way up from Pio Pico in the San Diego area. As we were parking the motorhome here, we ran into our friends, Steve Dombrowski and his wife. After we leave this area, we will be heading toward the coast, where we hope to hook up with more friends, Glenn and Grace. Hope you all are doing well, love and God Bless.....

Ralph and Alice.............

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