Sunday, August 1, 2010


Howdy friends and family and others. Another interesting week in Western South Dakota. Made a trip or two into Rapid City, took care of some business, picked up our mail, and met with our friend Dixie and her friend, John for lunch at the Firehouse Brewery. We had a nice visit, but almost immediately after we split, John became ill and Dixie had to take him to the VA Hospital in Sturgis. John is home now and doing well. We took a day trip to Deadwood for a visit, left some gelt at a couple of casinos, and had lunch. We then took a drive up to the town of Lead (Leed) which is an old mining town but is being nicely restored and reinhabited. From Lead we drove through Spearfish Canyon to the town of Spearfish. Great road trip! Black Hills scenery with the river running along side the road.

After 3 tries at trying to get a permit for personal security, we finally suceeded, but it took a lot of negotion and pleading with knee pads on. Seems they cease issueing permits during the Rally period, which is now. But after involving the Meade Co. sheriff and the Secretary of State at the Capitol. We got it. We are exceptional! Day after tomorrow, we hit the road again, heading west through Wyoming & Montana. Y'all take care now! See youse down the road...

Carlos & Willie.............

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