Sunday, August 29, 2010


Greetings, loving family and friends, from Bend/Sunriver Oregon. What a nice week, kickback, no changing campsites, we love the one we have. Weather has changed in the short time we've been here. We have gone from tank tops to sweatshirts in a week. We hooked up with good friends Andy & Linda, who are camped a few miles south of here, and were able to enjoy the area and their friendship for a few days. Our good friends from Pio Pico, Gene and Darlene came up to join us. They drove up more than 24 hours faster than mortal beings can. We enjoy their company and have done some touristy things you will see in the pics. We like this campground so much, we extended for another week. When we leave here, we are headed for Junction City OR. where we are going to have some home entertainment upgrades done to the coach. From there, we will start our two month return to SoCal. We hope you all had a wonderful summer. We wish you health and peace and laughs as your prosperity. Love and God Bless..............

Help me Rhonda, and Roger th3e Rabbit..................

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