Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome Spring! However today ts a little chilly and rain predicted. Not a whole lot of new news here in Pio Pico. We have completed most of our med and dental checkups, I still have to spend a night at the hospital for observation, then we will be done. We even got Ross' (the dog) physical out of the way, and he is doing great. All systems working great. Not bad for an (almost) 18 year old coyote half breed. We did have one complication with Ross' checkup, Diane, the big pushover, fell in love with a cat that was up for adoption. He now resides with us. Six year old, de-clawed, emasculated, black male named Satchmo, after that other black cool cat.

Our great granddaughter, Jocelyn will be 1 year old this weekend, so we will be joining her in wild abandon at her party. Wow, I'm too young for this. Hope to be back on the road in a couple of weeks. Since we are not traveling right now, I thought you might enjoy a brief pictorial tour around the area. Though Jamul is a small village most people have never heard of, it does have it's quaint country charm. Hope you enjoy, and hope yo are doing well, please stay in touch and we will look forward to our next rendezvous.

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